Owner-Organization-Name: OpenNet Technologies, Inc.
URI: http://www.opennet.com/
Template-Type: SITEINFO
ALIWEB-Title: biomaster.uio.no
Description: The WWW Server at The Norwegian EMBnet node
Host-Name: biomaster.uio.no
Keywords: EMBnet-Norway
URI: http://biomaster.uio.no/
Template-Type: SITEINFO
ALIWEB-Title: ski.mskcc.org
Admin-Handle: webmaster@ski.mskcc.org
Description: The WWW Server at Sloan-Kettering Institute, A research institution with programs in,Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Genetics, Cellular Biochemistry and Biophysics, Immunology, Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Human Genetics, Clinical Research, Cancer Control and Prevention
Description: Networked Information Servers at the Coombs Computing Unit, RSSS/RSPAS, ANU
Host-Name: coombs.anu.edu.au
Keywords: Research Schools of Social Sciences & Pacific and Asian Studies, Coombspapers (ftp), Coombsquest (gopher), Coombsweb (www), Coombslists (majordomo), Coombswais (wais)
Owner-Organization-Name: The Australian National University, Canberra
Description: CSUWEB: CompSci Undergrad Web Server at Virginia Tech
Host-Name: csugrad.cs.vt.edu.cs.vt.edu
Keywords: CSUWEB, CSUGRAD, Virginia Tech, Virginia, VT, Blacksburg
URI: http://csugrad.cs.vt.edu/
Template-Type: SITEINFO
ALIWEB-Title: www.morsepr.com
Admin-Handle: danm@morsepr.com
Description: The WWW Server at MorseMcFadden, Inc., an advanced-technology public relations firm
Host-Name: www.morsepr.com
Keywords: Morse, McFadden, Public Relations, High-Tech, Marketing Communications
Owner-Organization-Name: MorseMcFadden Communications, Inc.
URI: http://www.morsepr.com/
Template-Type: SITEINFO
ALIWEB-Title: documents.cfar.umd.edu
Access-Policy: Unlimited read-only access. Uploading into the incoming directory available only by prior arrangement. Please be reasonable. If you are running a Web robot or some other automated tool over the World Wide Web, please consult our robots.txt file first.
Access-Times: 24 hours a day
Admin-Email: webmaster@documents.cfar.umd.edu
City: College Park
Country: USA
Description: The Document Understanding and Character Recognition WWW Server at the College Park Center for Automation Research.
Description: The WWW server for Project GeoSim - Geography Education Software.
Host-Name: geosim.cs.vt.edu
Keywords: geography, GIS, Computer Based Training, Computer Assisted Instruction, tutorial
URI: http://geosim.cs.vt.edu/
Template-Type: SITEINFO
ALIWEB-Title: golgi.harvard.edu
Description: Harvard Biolabs WWW Server. The Biolabs is the home of many labs of the newly formed Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology (formerly the Departments of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and Cellular & Developmental Biology) as well as the Department of Organismal and Evolutionar
Description: The WWW Server at CDR Stanford University
Host-Name: gummo.stanford.edu
Keywords: SHARE, CDR, mechanical engineering
URI: http://gummo.stanford.edu/
Template-Type: SITEINFO
ALIWEB-Title: hill.lut.ac.uk
Description: Site information for Loughborough University of Technology
Host-Name: hill.lut.ac.uk
Keywords: LUT
URI: http://hill.lut.ac.uk/Services/lut.html
Template-Type: SITEINFO
ALIWEB-Title: www.na.infn.it
Description: The WWW Server at Universita' degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II", Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche and INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) Sezione di Napoli, Naples, Italy.
Description: Medically orientated Web server at the Institute for Medical Statistics, Documentation and Dataprocessing of the University of Bonn, Germany
Description: The WWW server at Brussels University / Service Telematique et Communication
Host-Name: www.iihe.ac.be
Keywords: ULB, mice, mice-nsc, lirn, STC
URI: http://sun4.iihe.ac.be/
Template-Type: SITEINFO
ALIWEB-Title: tecfa.unige.ch
Description: The WWW Server at TECFA, FPSE, University of Geneva
Host-Name: tecfa.unige.ch
Keywords: Educational Technologies
URI: http://tecfa.unige.ch/
Template-Type: SITEINFO
ALIWEB-Title: the-tech.mit.edu
Admin-Handle: archive@the-tech.mit.edu
Description: The Tech, MIT's Oldest and Largest Newspaper
Host-Name: the-tech.mit.edu
Keywords: college, newspaper, MIT, Massachusetts, university
Owner-Organization-Name: The Tech
URI: http://the-tech.mit.edu/
Template-Type: SITEINFO
ALIWEB-Title: www.covesoft.com
Description: Cove Software Systems -- An Internet Home Page Provider
Host-Name: www.covesoft.com
Keywords: yahoo world wide web computers homepage windows provider pages merchandise cape may travel novelty malls shopping gifts store biology document imaging engineering entertainment b&b breakfast Peninsula maps chesapeake bay fishing homepage wine books magazines restaurants food music cats do
gs horses united states vacations resort vacation adventure money investments computers news education government lawyers html http database programming documentation support groups automobiles
URI: http://www.covesoft.com/
Template-Type: SITEINFO
ALIWEB-Title: web.kaleida.com
Description: The unofficial WWW server at Kaleida Labs, Inc.
Host-Name: web.kaleida.com
Keywords: Kaleida, Multimedia
URI: http://web.kaleida.com/
Template-Type: SITEINFO
ALIWEB-Title: www.nexor.co.uk
Admin-Handle: webmaster@nexor.co.uk
Description: The WWW Server at NEXOR, an OSI X.400/X.500 software company.
Description: This is the WWW Server of the Accelerator Lab Garching, an Nuclear Physics Experimentation Site. Also service is provided for the Faculty of Physics, Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, the Department of Physics of the Technical University of Munich, and the faculty of geological sci